Why Virtual Reality is The Future of Entertainment

Abhishek Upadhyay
Published in
2 min readFeb 3, 2021


Why Virtual Reality is The Future of Entertainment

Why Virtual Reality is The Future of Entertainment

Let the numbers speak as a start, when it comes to estimating the future growth of the gaming market. According to a PwC report, the AR and VR industry was valued at $46 billion in 2019, and will grow by over 30 times by 2030. Let the year 2030 stand hereon as a new planning horizon in the VR world. And though the market is only just being palpated by investors and game developers, the projects emerging on a limited or experimental basis with the inclusion of VR technologies are nothing short of breathtaking.

A video game is interactive entertainment that allows players to obtain a specific experience and have some array of emotions evoked. For example, a chase or an enthralling journey through uncharted lands are experiences that enrich the mind and allow it to keep functioning creatively — the quintessence of human development.

But while game designers are trying hard to convey experiences, they are facing numerous limitations when it comes to making such games actually run. There is a huge gap between the player and the game, which prevents full immersion. Even if the game has great graphics, an immersive interface, advanced gaming AI and so on, there is still an intermediary in the form of a controller, keyboard, mouse, monitor, and gaming platform, which, strange as it may seem — can be biased.



Abhishek Upadhyay

A B2B Content Writer with hands-on experience in various niches. Skilled in writing blog content, website content, SEO content & various marketing collaterals.